Increased profits by millions, double digit punctuality improvement, satisfied bus drivers and happier customers
Data-driven companies grow faster, have higher profits, and are more innovative than their competitors (Dun & Bradstreet). Data from our public transport customers’ show that punctuality is the most crucial factor for customer satisfaction and the company’s financials, – which data-driven individuals can substantially impact.
Based on trip and transport data, we have created a gamified solution to identify, develop and praise well-performing bus drivers. We call them Super Drivers and they make a significant impact on the public contract margin, by improving customer satisfaction to 8.0 and punctuality with 10 percentage points, as well as by influencing their colleagues in friendly competitions.
Since the implementation of our solution, Purply Transport, a substantial increase (265%) of Super Drivers was achieved in one year by one of our customers.
Purply Transport enables our customer to perform continuous improvements, create data-driven individuals and thereby increase their profits and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, employee well-being rated to be top performing among peers.
By making your data actionable, bus drivers are given the tools to embrace their importance and become outstanding, thereby accelerating your business toward world-class performance. A focus on creating heroes in your company will consequently realize hidden potentials in your business such as increased profits, more satisfied employees, and customers.