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The Christmas shopping has started, bring on the sweaters!

Purply Retail's index shows that the Christmas shopping season started last week. The categories that saw the biggest increase were accessories and underwear. The largest however is still sweaters.

Christmas shopping has finally started, albeit a little tentatively. The turnover in Purply Retail's index is greater than during a normal week during autumn. We can also note that the classic product groups for Christmas increase the most. In the graph below, we see the development for accessories, underwear, beauty and jewelery during autumn. We can then see that last week was the best except for Black Week.

Sweaters biggest product group

If we look more closely at which product groups have the most sales, sweaters are clearly the biggest, followed by shirts/blouses. In fact, sweaters account for almost 25 percent of sales.

Numbers from the Black Week period

If we look a little more closely at how the period around Black Week has been, we can see that turnover dropped significantly before the campaign week. The week after that, turnover did not fall as much and the week after that Christmas shopping started. The question is, of course, how much Black Week affects Christmas shopping, and we will try to find out at the end of the year.

Trade increases as autumn wears on

However, even now we can state that trade as a whole is increasing the further into autumn we get. Above all, it is clear on the men's side. If we look at the graph below, it highlights the median store's development over a rolling period of eight weeks. There we can see that turnover is steadily increasing. On the women's side, trading takes place much earlier.

The team at Purply Retail


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